Tags for: online-games

  • Loot boxes: video game feature or gateway to gambling?

    Loot boxes are something you’re bound to have heard of if you have a kid who loves gaming. All the rage right now, they’re popular in online multi-player games including Fortnite, Overwatch, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and FIFA 19. 💰 What are Loot Boxes? What are they, exactly? Loot boxes are items you pay for with in-game currencies that reward you […]

  • Here’s what your kids are really playing online…

    We speak to a lot of parents about internet safety and know that cyberbullying, inappropriate website usage & chatting with strangers are some of your biggest concerns. Navigating the need for increased internet usage can be scary for parents, especially when you don’t want your kids to miss out or fall behind with technology. You can try to manage, […]